It's Friday! Let's Dance Around!

This has been one long week. I mean a week that I have not had in a while. As I write this it is 2:36 pm on a Friday afternoon and I am watching that clock on the wall. By clock on the wall I mean cell phone of course. Which I pull out my pocket every five minutes to see if something interesting has happened on one of the 6 social media apps I have. But let's get back to the point. Whether you are sitting in South Africa or you are somewhere else around the world, I am sure you are glad it is Friday. Even my unemployed friends will be breathing a sigh of relief as they finally have someone to hang out with now....

If you are like me then you will be craving a cold one after a hard week. And if you are not, then in the worlds of my wise friends Jordan "Jayess" Sinclair...."how about just one?". Just have one, a cold one, a delicious one. I mean surely there is no harm in just having one. If that still doesn't convince you well then. Take a listen to the tune I have placed below. No matter if you are traveling the world, sitting at your desk, or trying to forget all the stupid things you did last weekend. This will be sure to put a smile on your face.

Oh and pls vote for me here

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